Each Taste and See event focuses on a biblical theme, a time in the church calendar or just an opportunity to reflect together on issues of faith. While this curriculum has some similarities to "Family Nights", the intention is for the whole congregation to feel welcomed and included, seniors and singles as well as those with young or grown children.

Taste and See is meant to be inter-generational to enrich the experience for everyone, but it does not have to be. Depending on your goals, the event may be in the evening and include a potluck supper to offer fellowship and give an opportunity to serve each other. Or, the event may be on a Saturday morning or afternoon and include a snack. Most are 2 to 3 hours in length and there is flexibility to tailor what is happening to your own context.

Because of the wide age span, Taste and See events either include a choice of activities to meet different learner needs or very hands on large group experiences.



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People Get Ready! is designed to be offered right before the Advent season. This 2 1/2 or 3 hour event begins with a meal and transitions into a choice of up to six activity options exploring the theme. Coordinators can choose to offer one or two activity time slots. Activities include making an Advent wreath, drama, discussion, a movie, puzzles and quiet reflection. Isaiah 40 and John 1 are the focus scriptures. Resource handouts are provided for activity facilitators and suggestions about every aspect are included. 16 pages
Price $10.50 CAD (plus applicable shipping and handling)
Available as a downloadable or can be mailed.

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Jesus Comes to Dinner explores three scriptures relating to Jesus eating with friends - Zacchaeus, Mary and Martha, and The Road to Emmaus. The stories are dramatized (scripts and suggestions provided) and a meal of New Testament foods and related activities are interspersed in this 2 1/2 to 3 hour event. Much of the leadership is provided through table hosts who facilitate discussion and group building. Food suggestions, resource handouts and closing worship are all included. 14 pages
Price $10.50 CAD (plus applicable shipping and handling)
Available as a downloadable or can be mailed.

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