Much of the philosophy for Seeds of Grace Resources is reflected in the logo. The materials on this site were all created with the following in mind to support local congregations, staff, volunteers and families to grow in faith.

I wanted to use a tree to illustrate how followers of Christ can grow strong through God's Word and grace. This isn’t just any tree - it’s an acacia tree. These words from Halley's Bible Handbook: Deluxe Edition by Henry H. Halley (Zondervan, 2007) made the choice obvious for me:

The wood used in the tabernacle was acacia. The acacia tree is the only tree that grows in desert regions and produces wood that can be used in building. Because of the dry and windy climate, the trees grow very slowly, and it takes many years for them to reach their maximum height of 16 to 25 feet. This makes acacia wood durable - it is harder than oak... (p. 144)

What does this have to do with Christian Education resources?

We don't always have the luxury in our culture of nurturing spiritual growth in environments which embrace our faith. Instead, sometimes we tend the soil for learning in harsh conditions. But those conditions can cause us to become incredibly strong. God's grace can be planted and take root in the most unlikely and unexpected ways.

Christian nurture depends on many factors. It takes time to build disciples and the task of learning to follow really never ends. As we are growing, we are challenged as both learners and leaders to find God's purpose for us.

As acacia was used to make the Ark of the Covenant to hold the Ten Commandments, so we are made to hold and share God's Word.

As acacia was used to build the tabernacle, the massive tent of God's Presence where the people worshiped as they traveled to the Promised Land, so we are made to worship and learn together and to be a holy temple honouring God.

The branches of acacia trees reach out as far from their centre as they are tall. As Christians we need to not only focus on reaching up to God, but also on reaching out to others. Those others may be part of the church family, or those in our local community, our country or around the world.

May you, as someone who cares about nurturing faith, be able to provide shade and a place of rest in God. May we all help ourselves and others to keep reaching up in knowledge and love of God and reaching out in service, compassion and inclusion. May we persevere to grow strong acacia trees in our congregations, ready to engage God's Word and to keep stretching, listening, growing and responding as we follow Christ.