Anne Miller grew up in the Presbyterian Church in Canada and still calls it home. She has also been blessed to experience the richness of the wider church - leading Vacation Bible School at a United Church as a teen, being part of Ontario Youth Parliament (an ecumenical annual youth event), living and worshipping at an Anglican college, singing and leading chapel with a Mennonite choir, and attending a Convention Baptist seminary where she obtained her Masters in Religious Education. As the Administrative Assistant from 2005-2012 for The Centre for Clergy Care and Congregational Health, an ecumenical centre of support, she enjoyed the opportunity to dialogue with and support a variety of laypeople and clergy from several denominations.

Anne has served the church for over 25 years in a variety of capacities. She was the creator of and curriculum writer for Summer Experience, a travelling Vacation Bible School and leadership training program for high school students and young adults in the Synod of Southwestern Ontario (Presbyterian Church in Canada) from 1999-2006. Anne has also worked as a Christian Educator within her own congregation and later initiated Knox Kids Camp, a full day all summer camp for kids, in 2010 which is still happening. She served for three years at a United Church in Woodstock coordinating child, youth and family ministry. Most recently, she has been the regular worship leader in small congregations and during pulpit vacancies. She is a workshop and event facilitator and published freelance writer of curriculum, articles and other resources.

Anne is passionate about the critical role that Christian Education plays, not only in the life of congregations but in the life of individual families and people of all ages as we together form community as the people of God.