Resurrection in Christian Education Programs
/He is risen! Hallelujah! I hope that your celebration was memorable and meaningful on Sunday, and that your faith was renewed in some way, perhaps even resurrected from a place of darkness, doubt or cold.
As I thought about Easter, it occurred to me that not only should we experience it personally, but that our congregations and educational programs are often in need of resurrection and new beginnings. Goodness knows that we can be good at crucifying each other instead of dealing with issues constructively, whether that be staff, deacons or elders or equivalent, program volunteers or families. This can come from feeling the status quo threatened, being unwilling to change, changing too much too fast, being perceived as not fitting in, projected feelings about something else entirely, etc. But, we need to acknowledge the truth that our words and actions can be devastating to those they are aimed at, and the results can break apart programs, relationships and sometimes even the church itself.
Some reading this may be mourning loss/lack of children, youth and families and a smaller worshiping congregation for Easter. Some may be mourning a lost sense of vitality, of passion for the gospel, of security in the place of the church in the world. Some may be anxious about the future - of aging volunteers, of general discontent that filters into Christian education programs, of despair. Even if none of this is your experience, we all could benefit from a resurrection. So, how do we tap into its power and inject Easter's hope into our programs?
Be honest - We can be great at denial about how bad numbers are, that people are coming less, that volunteers are not happy, etc. If you haven't recently, check in with stakeholders about how they are feeling. Get an accurate picture of what is happening. Recognize your own role in what is going on, the places where you've steam-rolled or hindered, not paid attention or over-stepped. How much is what you're doing about the gospel, and how much is it about perpetuating programs and fulfilling others' expectations? Take responsibility and ownership where needed.
Bring it to Jesus - The people gathered at the foot of the cross to see what had been done to their Saviour and Lord. Throughout the events of the Passion they reaffirmed their need for HIm. Have you done that recently? Have you admitted that the success of all that you're doing in your programs needs to be attributed to Him? Have you acknowledged that Jesus needs to be a focal point and basis for your own life? How do you convey your need for Jesus to others? Engage in prayer, individually and with your team, and even request the congregation and program participants and families to pray for new life and vision rooted in Christ.
Be ready to receive - When we have recognized where our foundation should be and admitted our need, then we also should be ready to receive. We may receive direction to rest and restore ourselves. We may receive direction to apologize and reconcile. We may receive direction to radically change the look and focus of our programs. We may receive direction to focus on those outside our doors rather than those who are already inside and perhaps taking for granted the majority of our time and energy. Remember, if you're going to ask Him, you'll get some kind of answer, even if it's not yet.
Embrace it - Some of the disciples had difficulty embracing the reality of the risen Christ. Thank goodness for Jesus' persistence and patience. It was hard to understand Jesus' new existence with them leading up to the ascension. The new vision we are given may really challenge us. But, as people of faith, we need to trust in what we discern to be Jesus' guidance. If we are churches headed by Christ, then we should be obedient, even if what is asked of us is strange or seems overwhelming.
Just as Ezekiel was able to breathe life into the dry bones in that valley, and just as Jesus was able to call Lazarus from his tomb and unbind him, and then later Himself be raised by the power of God, we as Christ's body can also find new life and hope. If you are struggling with what is happening in your programs, find someone who will listen and is able to point you back to Jesus' promises and power. May you find rejuvenation and even resurrection for the calling you have received.